Sunday, June 30, 2013


It's 00.00 when I started to write this.
I've been back home for 14 days and I don't know when will I be back to Jogja again. I took an university entrance test preparation for a month at Jogja, with my friends. I was really depressed and tired with finals stuff so I thought I need a refreshment, then I decided to go, away from home, for a month and a week.
I rented this small room, when I say small then it's literally a small one that only fits one, and stayed there while I was at Jogja.

My days in there was good, it was really good. Doing things I never done before like washing the dishes and do the laundry and going everywhere by foot (but if it's too far I prefer stop a taxi). I love the the foods, the traffic, the people, I love that big city. I thought it'll be awesome if I could spend my next three or four years here while I take the college. But you know, this University, where my biggest dream lies, it's hard to get in there.

I didn't pass the first chance to get in there, I remember the day I was reading the result on its official site, it says a formal sorry--that everyone in this earth knows that me and another kids who didn't pass this don't need!--and I didn't pass. I knocked me down really hard and I cried alot. Mom kept sending texts and got me in phone calls trying to boost me up. I was like losing my direction and clueless and again, being depressed.

Ok stop talking about those days. I didn't take many pictures while I was there...

Btw, I was finally had a chance to watch NBL! It is something I wanted since years ago and I finally able to got it! I was soooo excited and spending a lot of my money to bought the franchise :p and I LOVE taking pictures with the (hot) players part!

I hope I'll be back there, soon.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

You probably don't remember.

I remember those things that you probably don't remember.
I remember you were lending me your shirt when I was all drenched from head-to-toe because of the rain.
I remember laid my head upon your shoulder during economics class and fell to sleep until the class was over.
I remember you laid your head upon my shoulder during the meeting and I knew you were falling to sleep.
I remember you were waiting there in the middle of the crowd, alone, waiting for me, then we had lunch together.
I remember watching you slept on our way of a study tour.
I remember which toppings you like for your waffles.
I remember you and me, at the game centre, being such two silly kids.
I remember those hours we spent, and the two cups of milk tea.
I remember gave you a nickname, then everyone started to call you the same, until now.
I remember being awake until midnight, helped you making a birthday present for your girlfriend.
I remember the time when you were just sitting there listening to me rambling about everything.
I remember you were the first one that came over to my 17th birthday dinner.
I remember you laughed at those cheesy novels because you hate cheesy things.
I remember that over sized plain grey t-shirt that we both have.
I remember those phone calls, one of them interrupted, because you were running out of phone credits.
I remember those text messages that left unanswered, and the sad faces.
I remember we couldn't see each other for a month, and you said you're missing me.
I remember those voice-notes you've sent. I saved them, in case I wanna hear them again later.
I remember had both lunch and dinner with you that day.
I remember that grey polo shirt you wore on the day we were going out when I came back to town.
I remember watching your back. As you walked away after spending the whole day with me.
I remember you said you can't change, and you let her go.
I remember you never say you love her to me.
I remember those heartaches.
I remember we were not talking to each other for 19 days.
I remember you said sorry.
I remember those funny faces you made, making me wanted to slap you.
I remember so many things that take too long to write.
We both are heading to another step of our lives.
We might be apart.
We might not see each other as often as we do now.
We might find another ones, though that's the worst thing I will ever imagine.
I might be laugh so hard when I read this in the next 10 years.
Laugh at how precious these memories we've had, how big you got the role in my teen-life-drama.
Laugh at how I was afraid of what I felt. How I tried to hide them.
We're going through so many things.
I'm thanking you for them, Sir.

Please don't be in love with someone else, again.