Sunday, June 30, 2013


It's 00.00 when I started to write this.
I've been back home for 14 days and I don't know when will I be back to Jogja again. I took an university entrance test preparation for a month at Jogja, with my friends. I was really depressed and tired with finals stuff so I thought I need a refreshment, then I decided to go, away from home, for a month and a week.
I rented this small room, when I say small then it's literally a small one that only fits one, and stayed there while I was at Jogja.

My days in there was good, it was really good. Doing things I never done before like washing the dishes and do the laundry and going everywhere by foot (but if it's too far I prefer stop a taxi). I love the the foods, the traffic, the people, I love that big city. I thought it'll be awesome if I could spend my next three or four years here while I take the college. But you know, this University, where my biggest dream lies, it's hard to get in there.

I didn't pass the first chance to get in there, I remember the day I was reading the result on its official site, it says a formal sorry--that everyone in this earth knows that me and another kids who didn't pass this don't need!--and I didn't pass. I knocked me down really hard and I cried alot. Mom kept sending texts and got me in phone calls trying to boost me up. I was like losing my direction and clueless and again, being depressed.

Ok stop talking about those days. I didn't take many pictures while I was there...

Btw, I was finally had a chance to watch NBL! It is something I wanted since years ago and I finally able to got it! I was soooo excited and spending a lot of my money to bought the franchise :p and I LOVE taking pictures with the (hot) players part!

I hope I'll be back there, soon.

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