Monday, December 31, 2012

Enjoy 2013, folks!

...and I will fix up this blog. I promise.
picture above via

Tuesday, October 09, 2012


I just turned 17 a few weeks ago, and... whoa. That day was finally came.
Last night I found a photo album which contains pictures when I celebrated my 1st and 2nd birthdays. My eyes were teary, a bit, cz that time I had both granddad and grandmom celebrating it with me. And now, when I need them the most to help me make decisions in my life, they're no longer here with me. Missing you both, so badly:'-)
A lot of times I asked to myself "what's the benefits of being 17?"
Get driving license and identity card?
The time when aaaall Taylor Swift's songs seem really into you? hahaha nope, kidding.
This is the time I should keep myself busy with University preparation--the final examination first. And spending my last year in high school. What a pretty rough three years. Spending it with some brainless annoying kids, ridiculous geeks, and nice schoolmates, too.
The age 17... such a wake up-call, that I should open my eyes seeing around. Choosing which is good, which is bad. I started slowly to walk to 18. Not an adult, yet, but not a kid anymore. I know my world won't always goes the way I want, and I should deal with whatever it throws at me. The universe may show its ugliness already.

Well, it was Saturday, September 15, one morning at school when everybody just done with (stupid) aerobic. I ate my breakfast in the classroom alone cz I didn't know where my friends were. Then, they came with two big crocodile shaped breads, and a bunch of chocolates upon it. We sang a happy birthday song and ate them together. It was the craziest birthday cake I ever got in my entire life! Thank you, thank you, thank youuuu, especially for my dearest duo gossip partners Diah and Resti!

Then I came home and mom was putting a birthday cake with "17" candles on it on the table in guest room. I was soooooo glad. I blew the candles and made wishes, and praying with my family. For a healthy life for me, a bright way ahead, and may Allah will always here beside me.

In the evening, I invited a couple schoolmates to house to having some dinner together--a little celebrate. And I got another birthday cake, a basketball-shaped birthday cake, and my name on it.

At 9pm, my dearest Platsm came and they brought me a sweetest birthday cake. It was a cheese cake with strawberries on it, and my name too!

So for me, being 17 is a bunch of birthday cakes. Lol.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Random Things's going to be a bunch of pictures. Here we go.

Since the tittle of this post is "Random Things", I want to share these random pictures I've taken with my phone's camera in the last two weeks--(it's BlackBerry 9360, so sorry for the bad quality). Grade 12 has begin and it makes my heart such a rush. I have less than a year to spend before goin' to university and I feel like I'm not good enough to make such an important decisions--which university will I take, which faculty, what am I goin' to do with it--I still have no idea. I know, how pathetic. When everybody starts planning their futures while I'm sitting alone in my desk doodling.
Eum... stop talking about rough things, shall we?

Fasting month is here already! Have a blessed fasting month, people!
Be grateful to spend it with the people you love :-)

Don't laugh at my book-taste. I read those teenlit (once again, please don't laugh)
actually I don't have any book-types, which book I only want to read or what.
I admit that I do jugde a book by its cover--sometimes.
And I listen to people's recommends. (pssst can you notice that Diary of Wimpy Kid?:-D)

...a boring Friday in the classroom. August 3rd.

I'm saving coins--cz both my sister and my mom are don't really like to use them.
And I think it's good to start saving, and so far it goes well.
I'm bad at saving cz those money will surely end up for those shopping bags... *sighs*



I once named her "ayip" but at the second time I heard it, it sounds not good.
So, now, say hello to Mochi! <3

I made these friendship bracelets during the holiday (that yellow-green
one has not finished yet). I was bored as hell cz I was going nowhere that time.
Then, a friend of mine came up with an idea to do this, she showed me some
tutorial videos in YouTube. I found it pretty interesting, especially to mix up
the colors, though I'm takin' a long time to make one.

...I think it's all for this time. I guess I will post another random things soon.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Eleven Social 2

Yesterday our homeroom teacher gave us our last reports of eleven grade. Yes, this semester has done. We gotta get another semester in twelve grade next month. It's amazing how fast the time passes by. It's been a year already for me to be a part of this class--eleven social two. My school has two science classes (I heard this year we'll get two more science classes so it's gonna be four science classes), three social classes, and one language class (but too bad this year will be no more language class:-( cz they decided to delete it. It's kinda sad somehow cz my school is the only school with language class.) I was placed in eleven social two.

I remember the first time I heard that I was failed to get in science class (it was because my chemistry scores...ugh). Before I get to walk in to the social two class room, I've imagine my life with Economy, Sociology, Geography, and its friends which I'm hatin' already. But I know God always have another better plan for us and I ended up in the first rank in the first semester in social class. And first rank again in the second one=))

It's about the classmates....they are really nice (but some of them kinda annoying sometimes). It's really crowded and noisy almost everyday. We love to sing together or makin' fun one and another. Our homeroon teacher... he's the most patient homeroom teacher in the entire world! No matter what trouble we caused, he still want to fix it up for us, patiently, of course. Maybe they will be one of many reasons why I'm gonna miss high school later:-) we won't be placed in the same class again in twelve grade... I'm gonna miss you guys, you and all of your ridiculous jokes. You guys all nuts!=))

Twelve grade! Aloha!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Old Days

Some said that it is not good to keep struggling over the past.
Well, I think the "past" they meant, is like something that keep haunting you--something bad, something that will give some bad influences to your future.What I'm gonna post now is not about trashy-mellow-sad-past. It's precious memories I have. Something that I wish it could happen again, in the way it was before.

The day when I met these people. Who is becoming so special, like a family for me. The ones who always be there whenever I need them to. I was digging old pictures in my Fb hahaha and I've found these old pictures that reminds me of our beautiful old days in JHS. Three of us are moving out of town, so it's almost impossible to us to be just like in JHS. Especially you, dut. We are missing you here :(

Those pictures above are from 2008-2009 (my bangs... blargh D:)
I wish people could stay the same just like pictures.
But people change, feelings change, sights change. The earth keeps spinning. Time flies. Guys, I miss our old days. I can't mention one by one all the things we've been through--it will take too long to write.

“When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.”

I wish we could stay like this, forever :-)

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

sent from heaven

Meet this guy

For Asian girls, I know you all know who he is. For those who don't know, it's Cho Kyuhyun.
Yes. He is Korean, and fyi, he is my first favorite Korean boy. I never get interested to any Korean boys, until I see him. I first saw him in one of Super Junior (it's Korean's popular boy band, and yes, Kyuhyun is one of its members) videos, A-Cha.

I used to think that Korean boys are really pretty and having good skin--even maybe better than ours. So I was like "haha what? you're screaming at boys who even prettier?". Maybe I won't change my mind about that and Kyuhyun is my exception.

People might think that he is only physically good, and his voice is a standard.
His voice is really good, I can say this cz I've listened to his solo album. He is originally a singer, not only one of Korean boy band members with an angel face and sexy move.
Talking about his face, dude, he might sent directly from heaven. His smirk, smile, laugh, he got me.

God, can I just marry him?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

120 hours

Last night I heard my own heart beating
Sounded like footsteps on my stairs
Six months gone and I'm still reaching
Even though I know you're not there
I was playing back a thousand memories, baby
Thinking 'bout everything we've been through
Maybe I've been going back too much lately
When time stood still and I had you.

I know people change and these things happen
But I remember how it was back then
Wrapped up in your arms and our friends were laughing
'Cause nothing like this ever happened to them,
Now I'm pacing down the hall, chasing down your street
Flashback to the night when you said to me,
"Nothing's gonna change, not for me and you
Not before I knew how much I had to lose"
taylor swift - if this was a movie

We got 120 hours left.
Good luck for your final examination. I wish you could get a brilliant result, and get anything you want after graduated from high school. I wish you could chase your dream, and make your dad proud, like what you always said. I wish you always be in the right path, and Allah be there for you. I wish you'll stay as the same guy I've known all this time, a humble person, a geek, a Harry Potter fans but less idea about it, a guy who always wanna be what people want him to, a great leader though not kind of firm leader haha..
I wish you a thousand lucks. I can't hide it that obviously I'm gonna miss you. You, and your old Reebok hoodie. Your bike, gonna miss all the way home with you. Everything. Including both shoulders, slant eyes... I'm gonna miss them.
Yah, kalo ada sumur di ladang, boleh kita menumpang mandi kalo kata orang. Kalo ada umur panjang, semoga kita ketemu lagi nanti. Nanti.
 Sekali lagi, selamat menempuh ujian nasional. :')

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sepersekian Detik

Kamu yang disitu
Wajah yang selalu menunduk
Apa kamu dengar?
Suara debaran jantung yang berdentam dentam
Dengan tempo yang tidak biasa
Ketika aku, kamu,
saling melempar senyuman.